Helfen Sie Ihren Kundinnen und Kunden, alles wieder zu sehen mit multifokalen Kontaktlinsen.

Bis 2030 wird ein Drittel der Weltbevölkerung eine Korrektion der Alters- sichtigkeit benötigen.1 Doch das Bewusstsein der Verbraucher für Presbyopie ist gering.
Presbyope Menschen wollen alles über multifokale Kontaktlinsen wissen.
Sie wollen alles wieder sehen.

Machen Sie das Beste aus Ihren Möglichkeiten – mit Gleitsicht- kontaktlinsen von CooperVision.

Mit mehr als 100-mal so vielen Versorgungsmöglichkeiten wie alle anderen etablierten Hersteller zusammen bietet CooperVision die bei Weitem größte Auswahl an multifokalen Kontaktlinsen.7

1. CooperVision data on file 2020. Ageing Population and its impact on Eyewear, Euromonitor report briefing, September 2020.
2. CVI data on file 2021. Presbyopia survey, 4053 consumers aged 40-65 years, Verve, December 2020. France (1004); Germany (998); Italy (1011); UK (1040). Awareness levels varied broadly by market: France = 86%, Germany = 15%, Italy = 82%, UK = 19%.
3. CVI data on file 2021. Presbyopia survey, 3406 consumers aged 40-65 years, Verve, December 2020. France (972); Germany (718); Italy (944); UK (772).
4. CVI data on file 2021. Presbyopia survey, 3257 consumers aged 40-65 years, Verve, December 2020. All those who have never worn multifocal contact lenses: France (846); Germany (858); Italy (819); UK (734). Awareness varied broadly by market: France = 35%, Germany = 33%, Italy = 42%, UK = 31%.
5. CVI data on file 2021. Presbyopia survey, 3080 consumers aged 40-65 years, Verve, December 2020. UK (713); Italy (844); France (837); Germany (695).
6. CVI data on file 2021. Presbyopia survey, 2534 consumers aged 40-65 years, Verve, December 2020. All those who have never tried multifocal contact lenses: France (720); Germany (600); Italy (694); UK (520).
7. CooperVision data on file 2021. Based on prescription option combinations (sph, cyl, axis & add) available across all soft lenses in multifocal, SiH and hydrogel from JJV, Alcon, B+L and CVI in UK, France, Germany and Italy Dec 2021. Includes stocked and made-to-order lenses in daily, 2-weekly and monthy disposable options. Cosmetic & Photochromatic Cls not included. Multiple base curve variants not included.
8. CooperVision data on file 2021. European industry reports and internal estimates.